Seeing the Light: Mastering Exposure for Photographers


Choosing the perfect exposure for a photograph is an essential component of understanding the art of photography, and it can undoubtedly make or break your photograph. Developments in digital technology have changed the ways in which exposures can be manipulated, and this has forced many photographers to think about what they can achieve by understanding these variables. In this ebook, Jonathan and Angela Scott demystify the complex concepts of exposure by explaining the fundamentals of light, aperture and shutter speed. They use real-world examples and technical explanations to show you how to navigate even the trickiest of exposure challenges leveraging tools such as white balance, color temperature, and histograms.

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Choosing the perfect exposure for a photograph is an essential component of understanding the art of photography, and it can undoubtedly make or break your photograph. Developments in digital technology have changed the ways in which exposures can be manipulated, and this has forced many photographers to think about what they can achieve by understanding these variables. In this ebook, Jonathan and Angela Scott demystify the complex concepts of exposure by explaining the fundamentals of light, aperture and shutter speed. They use real-world examples and technical explanations to show you how to navigate even the trickiest of exposure challenges leveraging tools such as white balance, color temperature, and histograms.

Looking to grow your ebook collection? Introducing Bundle & Save! Purchase any 3 of more ebooks from our selection at enjoy 15% off your entire order. Discount automatically applied at checkout.

Choosing the perfect exposure for a photograph is an essential component of understanding the art of photography, and it can undoubtedly make or break your photograph. Developments in digital technology have changed the ways in which exposures can be manipulated, and this has forced many photographers to think about what they can achieve by understanding these variables. In this ebook, Jonathan and Angela Scott demystify the complex concepts of exposure by explaining the fundamentals of light, aperture and shutter speed. They use real-world examples and technical explanations to show you how to navigate even the trickiest of exposure challenges leveraging tools such as white balance, color temperature, and histograms.

Looking to grow your ebook collection? Introducing Bundle & Save! Purchase any 3 of more ebooks from our selection at enjoy 15% off your entire order. Discount automatically applied at checkout.


Photography is about learning to see the light and how to use it to best effect.

To do that you have to understand the nature of light, how it varies according to the time of day and the position you are taking a photograph from.



In this Ebook you will learn about: 

  • Becoming a photographer means staying present – paying attention and living in the moment.

  • Why these two types of light are the best for creating mood and emotion.

  • These settings are the Golden Triangle that allow your camera’s sensor to create a correctly exposed image.

  • We explain image resolution and noise – what it is and how you can control for it in your photography.

  • How much do you want the camera to do for you. Learn how to take total control of your camera's settings, releasing your creativity every time you press the shutter button.

  • Understanding Depth of Field is the key to making great Portrait and Landscape images. We explain one of the most important concepts in photography.

  • Sounds scary but it isn’t. We explain what you need to know.

  • We explore what makes your images stand out.

  • This is one of the most useful tools in your Photographic Kit Box – and it is available at the press of a button. It will help ensure each of your images is exposed the way you want it.

  • Learn when and what to over or under expose (once you have learned all about your Histogram).

  • Taking images is just one part of the process. Editing, Storing and Filing the images that you want to keep is the last step in becoming a photographer. Neglect it and you will struggle to keep track of your workflow.

And so much more!

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